The most-read news website in Lamar County, Georgia - Dispatch Publications, LLC P.O. Box 832, Barnesville, Georgia 30204
Saturday, FEB 07, 2009
Griffin Man Charged With Cyber Crimes

February 6, 2009

A Griffin man faces charges of pornography and sexual exploitation of children this weekend after the conclusion of a cyber crimes investigation in that city. According to Corporal Bryan Clanton of the Griffin Police Department, 44 year-old Dwayne Pike was charged shortly after the service of a search warrant at 113 Poplar Point Terrace.


Law enforcement personnel from five agencies gathered Thursday around 7:30am to execute multiple search warrants at this apartment at 201 Southland Drive.
Uncertified Radar Units Force Ticket Dismissals Here

February 5, 2009

Lamar County Sheriff Larry Waller said Thursday that a total of 126 speeding tickets dating from August must be dismissed because County radar units weren�t re-certified last year as required by law.

Those already paid must be reimbursed, he added.


Macon Newspaper To Cut 30 Percent Of Its Workforce

February 5, 2009
In yet another sign of the times for the struggling printed newspaper industry, The Macon Telegraph has announced layoffs affecting nearly 58 employees in production-related jobs.

The moves will impact almost 30% of the Telegraph workforce and are expected to save an estimated $1 million per year.

Printing will be shifted to Columbus beginning in April, the company said.

Publisher George McCanless said Thursday that the McClatchy newspaper chain will be freezing its pension plan for current employees and that contributions to employee 401 (k) plans would be temporarily suspended after the first quarter.

First Graders Attend Technology Day
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue welcomes Lamar County first graders Alec Larrabee, Cayla Bishop, Madison White, and Noah Buice during their visit to the State Capitol in Atlanta last Wednesday. Photo courtesy LCPS.

February 4, 2009

Four Lamar County first graders and their teacher, principal and superintendent traveled to Atlanta last Wednesday to attend Capitol Tech Day under the gold dome. The students gathered in the Rotunda with their counterparts from 12 other counties to demonstrate for legislators how technology is being used in their classrooms.

One of the items discussed last week was the Activboard, an interactive white board that allows a teacher to "throw out" the traditional dry erase or chalkboard and be creative with lessons.

Capitol Tech is a collaborative effort between Georgia's K-12 schools and the Educational Technology Centers (ETC) that allows school teams to visit the State Capitol to share their innovative projects with Georgia legislators.
The students were accompanied on the trip by their teacher, Dana Hutto; principal, Dr. Julie Steele; and superintendent, Dr. Bill Truby.

Lamar County Primary School was awarded the Teachers-Teamwork-Technology (T3) grant this year sponsored by Macon State College�s ETC. The group of teachers awarded the T3 grant was Hope Bankston (Media Specialist), Dana Hutto, Ashley Searcy, Marci Vining, Teresa Shirley, and Donna Andrews (K-2 Computer Lab).

The�students were invited to participate by the Macon ETC.

Shutterbugs Will Meet Next Week

Brenda Fayard, an accomplished photographer from Meansville, will be the featured speaker at the February 10th meeting of the West Central Georgia Shutterbugs. She will discuss �Portrait Photography� and provide tips on finding the best subject, location/background, and lighting.

Fayard will also be available to answer questions and allow participants to take part in a �hands on� activity.

The meeting will begin at 6:30pm at the Thomaston-Upson Arts Council Gallery and Gift Shop, located next to the Ritz Theater on the courthouse square.

Shutterbug members always welcome new ones�and guests. For more information about the group, log onto

Be sure to bring a camera to the meeting!

Say Cheese!
Two year-old Alexis Robinson took time out from shopping at Giant Mart Tuesday to smile for the camera of R.N. Devane. Alexis is the daughter of Britney Hopper and Ryan Robinson of Barnesville.
Taxes Are Late For IDA Companies

Only about ten percent of the more than $55,000 owed in property taxes by Lamar County�s IDA-sponsored industries had been paid by the end of January, the tax commissioner�s office confirmed last week.

In fact, according to Tax Commissioner Andrea Anthony, only one company has paid anything at all toward�the ad valorem taxes it owes�for last year. In that case, a partial payment was received, she said.

 more . . . The Dispatch
02.FEB.09 Lady Highlanders' Season Opener Is Friday
02.FEB.09 From The Desk Of Representative Jim Cole
02.FEB.09 Cox Offers Online SAT Prep Course
02.FEB.09 Aldora Council Minutes
02.FEB.09 Pike Sheriff Investigates Fatal Head-On Collision
02.FEB.09 Accused Killer Makes First Appearance
02.FEB.09 Georgia House OKs '09 Tax Relief
02.FEB.09 Southern Rivers Energy Sends Aid To Kentucky Co-op
02.FEB.09 The Investigation Continues
02.FEB.09 Lamar Rejoins Narcotics Task Force
02.FEB.09 Suspect Charged In Grove Street Murder
26.JAN.09 Sheriff's Grove Street Press Briefing
26.JAN.09 Spalding Commission Opposes Renamed Griffin Tech
26.JAN.09 Metal Theft Could Mean More Than Jail Time
26.JAN.09 Driver Survives Horiffic Crash
26.JAN.09 Police Seek Assistance In Greenwood Street Home Invasion

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