The most-read news website in Lamar County, Georgia - Dispatch Publications, LLC P.O. Box 832, Barnesville, Georgia 30204
Tuesday, FEB 10, 2009
February 24th Is Spay Day USA

BLC Humane Society Offers Low Cost Spaying/Neutering
The Barnesville-Lamar County Humane Society will be transporting animals to its monthly low-cost spay/neuter clinic on Tuesday, February 24th. Animals will be transported to and from the clinic. This month the trip coincided with the 15th annual Spay Day USA. Spay Day USA was pioneered by the Doris Day Animal Foundation and has been responsible for more than one-million spays and neuters.

If you are a pet owner, please do your part to have a healthier, more well behaved pet by spaying and neutering. This will also help reduce the number of animals killed at shelters because there are many, many more animals than there are owners to adopt them.

If you are interested in having your pet transported to the clinic, please call 770-358-4569.� Leave a message and a humane society member will call you back.

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