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Tuesday, FEB 10, 2009
Trojan Tidbits - Looking Ahead To 2009

William F. Truby, PhD
Superintendent, Lamar County Schools
My dad used to say that the older he got, the faster the years went by. As a young whippersnapper, I thought that was just another one of those �Old People�s� expressions. After all, he was in his 60�s! Now, on many fronts � especially the 60�s bit � I understand that what he was saying is absolutely true. Fast or slow or just right, I hope that the year past was exceedingly good to you and yours. My hope is that the coming year will be even better.
Another lesson that life teaches us is that there is awesome value in having family. Certainly our own flesh and blood families are most precious to us, but there are other places that can evoke that same sense of pride, unity, and love. I believe that our school system, what we call our Trojan Family, exemplifies that family feeling. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes sad events to remind us of this fact. I refer specifically to the tragic and ill-timed death of one of our favorite people, Mrs. Angie Tinker. The outpouring of care and concern for her and the entire Tinker family underscored the meaning of something that we often take for granted.
On the School Board front, there are a few items that are noteworthy. Our school system has been recognized and honored by the state for working with students with learning disabilities. Dr. Terry Mermann, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, received two awards from the state related to teaching and learning in the least restrictive environment.At this time of year, everything seems to be pointing towards the needs down the road. Therefore, discussions about funding, training, calendars, legislative issues and the like are a part of every meeting and work session. Some may be interested to know that the BOE approved the installation of a new phone system for the high school. Hopefully, that will help with communication.

With the New Year now in full swing, we see one very significant issue that we must confront and solve: State cutbacks. The economy has hit Georgia very hard. We understand that there may be a total of 12% in lost revenue for education. The state has talked about furloughs for teachers and even additional austerity cuts or �formula adjustments.� Several of Governor Perdue�s proposed budget cuts include such controversial items as school nurses, RESA funding, and Homestead Tax Grant. With the legislative session revving up for 2009, education and the economy have got to be the top priorities.

Speaking of state news, the Governor has proposed a couple of new items for encouraging educators. The first is an incentive for teachers to become Master Teachers and demonstrate great prowess in the classroom as measured by test scores. The benefit could result in a 10-15% merit pay or bonus. Likewise, principals in high performing and improving schools could also see a bonus of $10,000 or more. There was no indication of the source of funds.

A quick review of our projects is in order. The high school cafeteria is completely redone and looking great. Our gym is partially re-done. The major portions of that renovation will take place after the season ends. We have received some ideas from our architects on how the expansion of the concession area, the locker rooms, and a classroom will enhance the looks, safety, and enjoyment of the gym. The BOE offices are moving quickly to the finish line. We are hoping that by February some time, we will be able to hold meetings over there. The stadium is looking awesome. We are anticipating our turf to be put down on the 20th of January. The new track will quickly follow. Ground has been broken for the auditorium, and steel structures are about to be put in place. Several other projects are also in the planning stages. We must really work on completing what we have going on right now to be sure that we can afford to do our best with the other plans.

One of the neat, new things at the stadium will be a video scoreboard. There is space for advertising in two major ways. The first would be of a permanent nature on huge display panels. The other is through DVDs, throughout the season at the games. If you have an interest in this, please know we would love to talk to you about it.

There is a Big Event coming this week on Thursday, January 22nd. The Lamar County Education Committee will be hosting another Education Summit, this time at LCCHS at 6 p.m. They have invited graduates from the high school to return to share their stories of success.This is open to parents and students alike, as the goal is to encourage attendees to make good choices about life and education. It will be held in the cafeteria, and refreshments will be served.

If you, as an adult, would like to take classes to help you as a parent, we have a tremendous class available to you. It is called �Passport to Success.� It has been a big help to attendees and graduates already. Please contact Amy Goggins at 358-5812 for more information or to enroll.

Harvard University announced that from now on undergraduate students from low-income families (below $60,000) will pay no tuition. More details are at One still has to meet their enrollment criteria.

College Goal Sunday is a free program to assist families to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Forms. It will be held at Griffin RESA on Sunday, 2/15/09 from 2-4. Attending students will be eligible to participate in a drawing for a $500 scholarship! You must bring a recent tax return, SSN, and a driver�s license. More information is available at .

The winter sports season is in full swing. Thanks to First National Bank for sponsoring our very successful basketball tournament over the holidays. There is nothing like a jam-packed gym! It was rocking, and our kids played well. Spring is just around the corner. Please make sure that our student athletes are prepared for the opportunities to participate. They need physicals, paperwork, and conditioning!

No wonder our job gets tougher every year. Here are a few news stories that got my attention. These high energy drinks, like Red Bull, are showing that kids are showing stroke and cardiac problems early in life. Likewise, the concern about children�s food has caused experts to look at the labels for something other than sugar: salt. Too much leads to many physical problems.Video games, especially those that depict violence, are an open door for acting out aggression in real life. Schools are the first places any of these symptoms show up!

We are always looking for help in the school system. Substitute teachers, sub drivers, and cafeteria workers are always in need.

Are you aware of the potential impact of a Pandemic Flu outbreak? There is a lot of literature out there, and I encourage you to look it up. One place you can search is .

Our schools are busy preparing for the upcoming (May 1st) Relay for Life. I hope the rest of Lamar County is as excited as we are about working together, having fun, and making an impact. Get a team together, or join one of ours!

Did you know that Georgia ranks 15th in the nation for percentage of students completing an Advanced Placement course?Also, did you know that Georgia�s reading and math scores on the SAT have risen 5 points since 2003, while the average across the country has dropped 9 points? And we are doing better too!

State Superintendent of Schools, Kathy Cox, was recently asked by a group of parents, �What�s the most important thing we can do to help our children succeed in schools?� Her answer was direct and true: �You�re already doing it � getting your kids to school.� Absenteeism is a sure-fire way to see test scores and grades in general tumble. Excellent attendance is a common thread for successful students and employees.

It won�t be long before the heart of testing season is upon us. Here are some ways to make the results better. 1.) Make sure your child is in school every day. 2.) Don�t schedule medical appointments during school hours. 3.) Don�t take your child out of school for a family trip or activity. 4.) Don�t allow your child to be tardy. With Standards-based Education, there is no fluff time. Every minute is �on-target� instruction!

I hope you are taking advantage of the opportunity to keep current with grades and school information through and our school system web site � Additionally you can review EOCT and other state tests at

Hopefully the weather will not be a problem for us as far as school is concerned. However, please keep numbers for the media handy just in case. We�ll try to inform them all if a closing is necessary.

If you get a chance, you can catch the Superintendent�s TV show on Cable Channel 10 in town.

Family, fun, fellowship � these are truly treasures to cherish in life. May the Lord bless these areas of your life � richly, openly, and eternally. Have a GREAT 2009!

 more . . . Trojan Tidbits
16.APR.07 Trojan Tidbits - April 13, 2007
19.MAR.07 Trojan Tidbits
05.FEB.07 Trojan Tidbits - February 5, 2007
08.JAN.07 Trojan Tidbits - January 9, 2007
11.DEC.06 Truby's Trojan Tidbits
06.NOV.06 Truby's Trojan Tidbits
09.OCT.06 Trojan Tidbits
18.SEP.06 Truby's Trojan Tidbits

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