The most-read news website in Lamar County, Georgia - Dispatch Publications, LLC P.O. Box 832, Barnesville, Georgia 30204
Tuesday, FEB 10, 2009
American Legion To Meet January 10th

January 4, 2008

Pike County Post #197 of The American Legion has scheduled its next meeting for January 10, 2009 at 2:00pm at the J. Joel Edwards Public Library in Zebulon.�

Items to be discussed are�Pike County Veterans Memorial Monument,�American Legion Committees�and Community Support Assistance,�National Commander's Visit to Georgia, Spring Conference, and State Convention.�All�Veterans are invited and encouraged to attend.

Officer call is at 1:00pm.��
Thank you,

Don Bailey, Post Commander
Pike Post 197, The American Legion
[email protected]

Pike Friends To Meet

The next Friends of Pike County Animals information meeting is scheduled�on Thursday, October 30th at 7:30pm at the�J. Joel Edwards Public Library.� We will be discussing the Pike County DRAFT Animal Control Ordinance, noting�comments, reviewing by laws�for our not-for profit organization, and�discussing booth/participation requirements for�the Molena Festival on November 1st.
The public is welcome to attend.
For further information, please contact 770-468-8726, or email to [email protected] .
Thank You,
Don Bailey, Chairman-Friends of Pike County Animals

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