Garrett Named Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences at Gordon College July 13, 2012 Faith Garrett has been named Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Gordon College. Garrett comes to Gordon from the University of West Georgia where, since 2009, she was Assistant Professor for Nursing for the RN to BSN and generic baccalaureate program. Prior to her position at UWG, she was Associate Degree Nursing Chair at Bainbridge College. Garrett plans to live in Barnesville. She earned a Doctorate of Education from Nova Southeastern University, a MSN from the University of Central Florida and a BSN from Florida Southern College. Most of her clinical nursing work has been spent in critical care. The School of Nursing and Health Sciences was created to recognize the growth in baccalaureate programming supported by the nursing faculty. Gordon is moving to a school/department organization in which there will be more focused academic units, some of which will have responsibility for delivering specific baccalaureate majors and other degrees. The creation of a School of Nursing and Health Sciences responsible for delivering the ASN degree, the RN to BSN baccalaureate degree, and the Bachelor of Health Sciences with major in Health Services and Informatics Administration is a first step in creating that new organization. �Gordon has excellent nursing programs that can only get stronger with these changes,� Garrett said. �I see the potential for a generic baccalaureate degree in nursing and I am excited about the increased use of technology in teaching which will help to prepare our nursing and allied health students for a health field that is ever evolving.� |