Is Candidate Ray A Man Of His Own Or Does Someone Pull His Strings?
Spalding County Commissioner Bob Gilreath

I see where one of the candidates for county commissioner from the second district is back at what he does best, rambling from one side of�his padded room to the other.

If you recall� Mr. Ray made a statement in open Commission meeting that he would run for commissioner just to get the former county manager reinstated,

Now he places blame on the person he wants back in the Manager position by pointing out, in his mind when he said, �The County does not properly execute decisions on how this money is to be spent.��

Raymond Ray�s record while a member of the Board of Education and Chairman�show he was the biggest spender of school taxes.� The current Board of Education lowered school tax dollar spending almost 5 million dollars.� This was done after Mr. Ray left the Board.� So, Mr. Ray as you say, �Government is responsible for taxpayer monies and the responsible use of them.�� You apparently were not when a School Board member.

My question is was your responsibility to the tax payers when you served on the Board of Education left out?�� I believe you are trying to throw up a smoke screen while you speak from both sides of your mouth, isn�t that right Mr. Ray?

Your professionalism and business-like actions are not what this county needs if it is based on your past record.

Why don�t you tell the people the real reason you are running for county commission Mr. Ray?� Not doing so tells me you are the same person you were when serving on the Board of Education.�

Your statement, If you are elected on July 20, you want a voice in how the new county manager is chosen, tells me you are not informed�of what you speak and are already trying your intimidation tactics even before you are sworn into office should you be elected.� It tells me, your personal�agenda�comes before the taxpayers of Spalding County.�
One thing I can say you are right about when you recently said �government must be fair and consistent�.� As a Board of Education member you surely were fair and consistent.� You were consistent at being fair to your friends while ignoring others.

There is a lot at stake in this election as you said Mr. Ray, Personal agendas were highly visible for many years and this government doesn�t need to return to those years as you would work toward�if your are elected to office.� Your agenda of trying to replace the former county manager while working to consolidate city and county government is politics of the worst kind and this county does not need to take a step backwards as you would have it do.

It might be best if you ran for city commissioner since you are joined at the hip with one that has not paid all his property taxes.� Does he still work as your campaign manager Mr. Ray?

This is certainly not an endorsement of any candidate but it is my belief that according to what Mr. Ray has said prior to qualifying and during his campaign that he runs to satisfy his personal agendas and others he represents by placing�his personal agendas�before the tax paying public.

This I do not condone and will not stand for.

Bob Gilreath
Commissioner 3rd District

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