It's Not Too Late To Vaccinate
Hayla Folden � December 12, 2014 The holidays are here and that means
decorating, cooking and vaccinating. What is commonly referred to as
a �flu shot� is the single most important step for protecting
yourself and others against influenza. Getting a flu vaccination is
the first and most important step in protecting against flu and its
potentially serious complications.
This flu season is likely to be a tough one for two reasons. First, more than 90 percent of the influenza specimens tested nationwide are Influenza A H3N2 (H3N2), and the rates of hospitalization and deaths are typically higher in seasons when H3N2 is the dominant strain. Second, about half of the H3N2 viruses found so far this flu season don�t match the vaccine produced for the 2014-2015 season. The virus has mutated, or changed slightly, since the vaccine was formulated early this year. �While the flu can vary from season to season, the fact remains the single most effective way to prevent the flu is the flu vaccine,� said Sherry Farr, Lamar County Health Department Nurse Manager. �As long as the virus is circulating, it�s never too late to vaccinate.� Seasonal flu activity in
Georgia is increasing week by week. The Georgia Department of Public
Health (DPH) already has lab confirmation of five flu-related deaths
in the state. Flu season typically peaks around the end of January or
first of February, but can run into late April, so it�s not too
late to get a flu shot.
Influenza can be a serious disease that leads to hospitalization and sometimes death. Regardless of race, age, gender or ethnicity, everyone can get sick from the flu. Those especially at risk are adults 65 years of age and older, children younger than 5, pregnant women, people with certain chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease or other long-term medical conditions. Preventative actions such as simply washing your hands and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing can guard against the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months and older receive a flu vaccine � whether as a flu shot or the nasal spray. Getting a flu vaccine is more convenient than ever before. Vaccines are available at the Lamar County Health Department. Antiviral medications such as Tamiflu� or Relenza� are an important second line of defense against the flu. Treatment with antiviral drugs is especially important for people at high risk of serious flu complications or people who are very sick with flu. Antiviral drugs work best when started within two days of coming down with the flu, so it is important to call your doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear. Antiviral drugs, given early, can shorten the length of time you are sick and lessen symptoms, especially with H3N2. The drugs also help prevent serious flu complications, like pneumonia, that can lead to hospitalization or death. Symptoms of the flu include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, chills and fatigue. One of the most pronounced flu symptoms is an overall feeling of achiness and malaise that comes on quickly. There are other things you can do to help protect against the flu, including: Frequent and thorough hand washing. Alcohol based gels are the next best thing if there is no access to soap and water. Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing to help prevent the spread of the flu. Use a tissue or cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or arm. Avoid touching your face as flu germs can get into the body through mucus membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes. If you are sick, stay home from school or work. Flu sufferers should be free of a fever without the use of a fever reducer for at least 24 hours before returning to work or school. See a doctor to get a prescription for antiviral drugs, if it is deemed appropriate. Remember antiviral drugs are most effective within one or two days of symptoms appearing. Take preventive measures now to protect yourself and your family from the flu, and encourage others to get a flu vaccine, too. Make time to get a flu shot now and help spread the gift of health this holiday season and on into 2015. For more information about the flu and how to prevent it, log onto https://www.flu.gov/ or visit https://dph.georgia.gov/seasonal-flu-influenza. For more information on immunization, visit https://dph.georgia.gov/influenza-what-you-need-know.