February 28, 2012 We are teachers, professors, doctors, nurses, firefighters, construction workers, law enforcement, clerical workers, government employees, elected officials, cashiers, shop owners, clergy, and caregivers. We are Liberal and Conservative and everywhere in between. We are your neighbors and fellow church members.�We are as diverse as our Great NationAndWe Believe That:���� All people have value, regardless of sex, race, religion or economic circumstances. We need an economy that works for everyone, not just the most fortunate. That innovative leadership creates jobs and investment in education pays off�.��� If we promote opportunities for all people, everyone benefits and we are all lifted up. We hope that you will join us as we work to improve the lives of all people in our County, State and Nation. Our next meeting is Monday, March 5, 2012 in the dining room on the left at the Pastime Grill. Come at 6:00pm for dinner and fellowship. The business meeting will begin at 7:00pm. For further information, visit our website at www.lamardems.org �and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LamarDemocrats. |