Code enforcement officers say a crackdown is underway on unregistered timber companies operating inside Lamar County. In addition to lost tax revenue, officials say the heavy equipment is also taking its toll on�local roads.
Citizens are encouraged to contact the board of commissioners at 770-358-5146 if they suspect�an illegal harvesting operation is in progress in their area.
As we move further into the legislative session, the General Assembly builds momentum.� Just a few weeks ago we were being sworn in and receiving our committee assignments.� Then the committee process started and we began studying proposed legislation.� Now we are finally starting to see the fruits of that work.� This week we voted on several pieces of legislation, including one bill affecting the HOPE Scholarship and Grant program.� We also heard from the Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice and learned of a newly proposed state-wide transportation plan.�
Photo and coverage courtesy of Becky Watts and
The Pike County Board of Commissioners held a groundbreaking/opening ceremony at the Hollonville-Pedenville Fire Station in Concord on Thursday, February 5, 2009.
Pictured from left are Pike Commissioner Tommy Powers, Commission Chairman Doug Mangham, Station Captain Tim Nance, Fire Chief Danny Henderson, Battalion One Chief Jim Totten, Commissioner Roosevelt Willis, Dee McLeRoy, Commissioner Don Collins, firefighter Randy Snyder, Trisha Dabbs, John Morrison, Gene Dabbs, and his dog, Bleu.
The site for the station was donated by Gene and Trisha Dabbs with the help of John Morrison, who acted as a liaison with PikeCounty officials.
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue said Friday that net revenue collections for the month of January 2009 totaled $1,575,265,000 compared to $1,837,297,000 for January 2008, a decrease of $262,032,000 or 14.3 percent.
The percentage decrease year-to-date for FY09 compared to FY08 is 4.8 percent.
FirstBank Financial Services of McDonough, Georgia was closed Friday by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was appointed as receiver.
To protect the depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Regions Bank of Birmingham, Alabama to assume all of the deposits of FirstBank Financial Services.
All four FirstBank offices will reopen on Monday as branches of Regions Bank.
A Griffin man faces charges of pornography and sexual exploitation of children this weekend after the conclusion of a cyber crimes investigation in that city. According to Corporal Bryan Clanton of the Griffin Police Department, 44 year-old Dwayne Pike was charged shortly after the service of a search warrant at 113 Poplar Point Terrace.
Law enforcement personnel from five agencies gathered Thursday around 7:30am to execute multiple search warrants at this apartment at 201 Southland Drive.
Lamar County Sheriff Larry Waller said Thursday that a total of 126 speeding tickets dating from August must be dismissed because County radar units weren�t re-certified last year as required by law.