The most-read news website in Lamar County, Georgia - Dispatch Publications, LLC P.O. Box 832, Barnesville, Georgia 30204
Sunday, FEB 08, 2009
Lamar County Health Department Influenza Guide

The Lamar County Health Department is taking steps to educate the public about commonsense measures that can be taken ahead of time- NOW - to prepare for the future possibility of an Influenza Pandemic.
A Pandemic is a worldwide outbreak of flu disease that occurs when a new type of influenza virus appears that people have not been exposed to before (or have not been exposed to in a long time).
They are distributing a 9-page pamphlet entitled, "A Guide for Individuals and Families," which provides readers with important information. The document which appears on this site is in PDF format, and may be easily enlarged for clear reading. In the event you are unable to view the document, please either contact us here at the NewSite, or the Lamar County Health Department directly, at 770-358-1483. Thank You!

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