Pair Admits To Knowledge Of Death
December 29, 2008 Outgoing Lamar County Sheriff Joe Buice held a news conference on Monday evening to announce that Michael Yost and Jennifer Clark have both admitted to firsthand knowledge of circumstances surrounding the death of Donald Clark. "Each is saying the other hit Donald in the head with the bat,� lead investigator Rick McCreary said tonight. �They wrapped his head in a bag and wrapped him up in the sheets and quilt on the bed he was in when he was struck.� Since their arrests on Christmas Eve, sources inside the Sheriff�s Office say both Yost and Clark have asked to speak with investigators separately. During the subsequent interviews, both admitted to involvement in the case, lead investigator Rick McCreary said tonight. What remains unclear at this time is who was actually responsible for the killing. Investigators say the couple placed Donald Clark�s body inside the trunk of his 1997 Honda and that Yost drove away from the murder scene in order to hide it. After the killing, Yost allegedly panicked and drove the length of The pair was arrested December 24th after a body presumed to be that of Donald Clark was discovered in the same general area. Donald Clark�s vehicle was recovered December 26th in the parking lot of the Tradewinds Motel in Forsyth based on information obtained in those interviews, investigators said. |
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