The UGA Turfgrass Field Day will also include displays and demonstrations of the latest turfgrass industry equipment. Image: Sharon Dowdy.

July 21, 2012
Whether you're a golf course superintendent or a homeowner in search of the perfect lawn, you�ll find the information you need at the
University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day.

Registration starts at 8:00am on August 1st for a daylong workshop covering everything you ever wanted to know about turfgrass and more. The field day will be held at the turfgrass research plots at the UGA campus in Griffin. Tours will begin at 9:15am and conclude at 2:00pm, rain or shine.


Reward Offered In Burglary Case

July 20, 2012
Hines Prescription Shop has offered a $500 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of those responsible for a burglary there earlier this month.

If you recognize the subjects in these photos, you are asked to call Barnesville Police at 770-358-1244 or 770-358-1246 after regular business hours.

"Deliverance" Turns 40

Greg S. Williams - July 20, 2012
Banjo boy Billy Redden made a special guest appearance Friday at the 40th anniversary screening of "Deliverance" at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. The movie was part of the Coca-Cola Film Festival which began early this summer.

The next scheduled feature is "The Amazing Spiderman", on Friday, August 24th. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 12 or seniors ages 65 and up.

For more information on this great family value, see .
Fletcher Starts Second Term On LPN Board Of Examiners

July 19, 2012
Tina C. Fletcher of Barnesville was recently sworn to her second term on the Georgia Board of Examiners of Licensed Practical Nurses.�

Fletcher is a 2009 Leadership Lamar graduate and has been employed at Heritage Inn of Barnesville for nineteen years, where she currently serves as the RAI/MDS Coordinator. She is also a member of the Lamar County College and Career Academy Board of Directors and is enrolled in the Excelsior College School of Nursing.

She was sworn by Governor Nathan Deal on Thursday, July 12th.

Fletcher and her husband, James, have two children, Jaimee and Kristopher. She is the daughter of Fred and Christine O�Neal of Barnesville.

Forsyth Police Chief Joins "Operation Back To School"

R.N. DeVane - July 19, 2012
Police Chief Keith Corley spent time Thursday supporting Operation Back to School at the Forsyth Walmart.�

Corley said all items donated by shoppers will be distributed to local schools. Collection baskets are positioned at the front of the store.

The Segway people mover pictured at left was purchased with a clean air grant from the Department of Transportation. The department also received funding for two police-equipped Segways and two environmental hybrid Ford Fusion police cruisers.


July 19, 2012
Brian P. Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State
This Saturday, June 21st, Georgia voters will have the opportunity to vote early in the 2012 General Primary Election.


Left Or Right?
Image: R.N. DeVane

R.N. DeVane - July 18, 2012
Questions over new Department of Driver Services license renewal procedures had this
Lamar County motorist confused for a time Wednesday on how best to proceed.

The new�documentation requirements became effective July 1st and details are�available HERE.

Bush Named To Board Of Assessors
Andy Bush

Greg S. Williams - July 18, 2012
Andy Bush was named Tuesday to fill the unexpired term of Lou Ann Ramsey on the Lamar County Board of Tax Assessors.

�It is with great regret that I must resign from the Lamar County Board of Assessors due to my illness,� Ramsey said in a letter of resignation read by Lamar Commission Chairman Jay Matthews. �I feel that I will not be able to serve to the best of my ability; please take this as my resignation and I wish the best to all my fellow board members.�

Matthews expressed his appreciation for Ramsey�s service on the board since February, 2011 and for her overall service to Lamar County. She most recently served as assessors board vice-chair.

�We wish her the best for a speedy recovery,� he added.
In other business, the board named Mildred Merchant to fill a vacancy on the board of appeals and Audrey Smith to succeed Milton Glass on the DFACS board.
On The Road
Thing 1 and Thing 2 see saw in this photo taken on Hwy 19, south of Tifton. A Circle Georgia Green Project photo by Sherry DeVane.

Greg S. Williams � July 17, 2012
Officials learned July 10th that several factors have combined to exert upward pressure on the cost of electricity delivered to City customers.

According to MEAG, the cooperative which delivers power here on a not-for-profit basis, the cost increases are driven by the following factors:

*Environmental control retrofits on coal units.

*Lower wholesale market prices, which�have reduced margins on the sale of excess energy.

*The long term increase in fuel and operating costs.

*Load destruction and slow load recovery.

These factors will combine to�result in modest�cost increases to the city. The exact amount of�rate increases or their timeframe has not yet been specified.

A MEAG article, along with charts and graphs appears below.


July 17, 2012
By unanimous vote Monday in Zebulon, the Pike County Board of Commissioners�agreed to extend an offer of employment to Michael Phillips of Greenville, SC to fill the vacant position of county manager.

�The offer was made yesterday and he has indicated his willingness to accept,� Pike County Clerk Teresa Watson confirmed today.


Notice Of Computation And Canvassing Of Election Returns

Anita Reid � July 17, 2012
Lamar County Board of Elections and Registration
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. � 21-2-492, notice is hereby given that the computation and canvassing of the returns of votes cast in the July 31, 2012 General Primary/Non-Partisan Election will take place in the Lamar County Courthouse, 326 Thomaston Street, Barnesville, Georgia 30204 on July 31, 2012 beginning at 7:00pm.

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