Notice Of City Budget Workshop

August 13, 2012
Carolyn S. Parker, City Clerk
The Mayor and City Council will meet at 9:00am on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, at City Hall in the Board Room, 109 Forsyth Street, Barnesville, Georgia, for a Budget Workshop.

The purpose of the workshop is to review, consider, and discuss the proposed 2012/2013 revenue and expense budget.

Sign Of the Times
Dissatisfaction with the current economy and leadership at the national level gave birth to this sign seen last weekend on a Pickens County farm. Image: R.N. DeVane.
Rendering of the Food PIC building set to be built on the UGA campus in Griffin. Image: UGA Food PIC program.

By Sharon Dowdy � August 11, 2012
University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Georgia�s 2013 budget includes $3.5 million to construct a long-awaited facility where University of Georgia food scientists in Griffin, Ga., will help businesses launch new food products and processes.

The UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Griffin-Spalding County Development Authority have been seeking funds for the project since 2005. The university and the authority will each add $1 million to the construction fund.
Head lice aren't the only insects becoming pests in schools. Bed bugs are hitchhiking to class on bookbags, too. Image: Lisa Ames.

August 11, 2012
By Merritt
Melancon - University of Georgia
Just when parents thought head lice were the only insects to invade classrooms, bed bugs have been added to the list. Hotels are typically the place that comes to mind when bedbugs are mentioned, but the critters like book bags, too.

Bed bugs began making national news about three years ago. While they don�t carry disease, the pests are notoriously hard to get rid of, and just the suggestion that bed bugs might be in your home is enough to make most people�s skin crawl.

They also carry a stigma that prevents people from telling their friends or their children�s teacher that they are battling bed bugs at home.


Legal Notice To The Public

August 10, 2012
From the Office of Superior Court Clerk Frank Abbott
Notice is hereby given, under an Act by the Georgia General Assembly of 1990, as amended, that one member and two alternate members of the Lamar County Board of Equalization will be elected, selected and appointed by the Lamar County grand jury at the September term, 2012, to fill the following positions:

One Alternate Member, a vacancy by Andy Bush, to expire on December 31, 2014.

One Member to succeed R. Neil Anderson which term will begin January 1, 2013 and to expire December 31, 2015.

One Alternate Member to succeed Vera A. York which term will begin January 1, 2013 and to expire December 31, 2015.

Anyone interested in serving should submit in writing your name and contact information to Frank Abbott with attention to the September term 2012 grand jury on or before September 10, 2012.


Robert Neal DeVane - August 10, 2012
A Lamar County man who served as Criminal Investigation Division commander under former Sheriff Joe Buice was arrested Thursday on Fredonia Church Road after�he reportedly failed a standardized field sobriety test administered by Barnesville Police Officer Freddie Oates.

A Sheriff�s Office narrative of the incident appears below.


Dogs Have Mug Shots Too
Barnesville Animal Control Director William Perdue says every animal taken into the City shelter is booked in properly. All are scanned for hidden ID (subcutaneous and teeth) and the goal is to treat each with dignity and respect. The main objective is to get lost pets back home to their loved ones, he told BGN Reporter Robert Neal DeVane.

August 9, 2012
The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold the last of three public hearings on a proposed millage rate increase Wednesday, August 15th at 5:00pm in Zebulon.


Pike Chamber Offers "Maximum Money" Class

August 9, 2012
The Pike Chamber of Commerce will be offering a Maximum Money Class in conjunction with One Georgia Authority and the University of Georgia. Please see attached for details on the class. The class is open to anyone who wishes�to participate.
Above: Gordon State College students Wesley Lassiter, Chandler Peters, Josh Gilliam, Bryana Pettus show off one of the banners that are posted on campus noting the name change.

Gordon CollegeAugust 8, 2012
The Board of Regents today approved changing the name of Gordon College to Gordon State College to better recognize its status among the 35 institutions in the University System of Georgia.

The change takes place immediately.

�While Gordon will remain at the core of our identity, being able to include our state college status in our name communicates more clearly the progress we have made,� said Gordon State College President Max Burns. �The new name honors the history of Gordon while allowing us to look to the future.�



Greg S. Williams � August 8, 2012
Bond was set Wednesday in Lamar Superior Court at $100,000 for accused arsonist Stephen Brehaut, according to Deputy Clerk Debra Holmes.


William P. Mixon addresses the Barnesville City Council Tuesday. Image: Greg S. Williams.

Greg S. Williams � August 8, 2012
The Barnesville City Council heard specifics Tuesday of an as-yet unofficial proposal that would install curbing and a driveway from Murphey Avenue into the shopping center which currently houses the Fred�s discount store.

More than a dozen concerned residents from the
Murphey-Harrell Circle neighborhood were present Tuesday at the 5:30pm meeting. One of those, Lisa Tuttle, offered the following comments:

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